JdC & Burrokeets UK - Notting Hill Carnival 2010

Thank You!!!

JdC wish to thank all our masqueraders, friends, supporters for their kind words throughout the year.

For 2011, due to an unforseen emergency we will not be bringing a formal section in the road, BUT, we will be represented in BURROKEETS UK.

We invite you to come out and give them the support and love shown to JdC.

Send an email to jewelsdecarnaval@gmail.com with the subject 'JdC subscriber' to receive more information on what's happening.


About OCEANIA 2010 in Burrokeets UK

Burrokeets UK, will be showcasing a presentation entitled Renaissance for Notting Hill Carnival 2010.

This theme pays tribute to the past 20yrs of portrayals by Burrokeets UK, with each section this year drawing on a past theme, enhancing, modernising and refreshing it.

JdC settled on the portrayal of ‘Hands on Deck’ which was Burrokeets UK band of 1999.

As ‘Hands On Deck’ immediately draws one’s mind to the vision of the sea, sailors, ships, cruises, and other mythical ceatures and stories that can be found, OCEANIA was born.

OCEANIA is the term most commonly applied to the islands in and around the Pacific region such as Christmas Islands, Cook Islands, Samoa, Hawaii, French
Polynesia and Easter Islands to name a few.

The costumes of OCEANIA, is JdC’s creative, modern interpretation of these idyllic pictures conjoured up when one thinks of taking a cruise to say Hawaii .

JdC’s Oceania is undoubtedly sexy, appealing and even risque, for indeed, some of us do like that bit of adventure and a touch of mischief on a holiday far away, even taking on a new persona, being reborn as it were.

For the women, you can transform yourself into a modern day sea siren or sea nymph, tantalising Neptune or sailors on a passing ship or two. Guys, you are not to be left out, as you put on the costume, feel yourselves transform into the modern day version of the mythical greek Neptune -God’s of the Sea, with the swirling sea nymphs at your side.

Come be part of this rising tide in OCEANIA!

-FRONT LINE & REGULAR options... and a special front line option for the daring among us.....

-Deposit - £40 back line & male / £60 front line

-Secure payments can also be made via Pay Pal on this website. Pay Pal accepts most Debit & Credit cards

- Costumes designed by Point and Click (Trinidad & Tobago) and Bea Thomas

For more information: 
email- jewelsdecarnaval@gmail.com :: call- 07791 650284